Monday, January 10, 2011

Mi primer fin de semana

 (My first weekend.)

Me at Lake Cuicocha. Lake Cuicocha formed in the crater of a volcano after an eruption four thousand years ago.

The equator, which is about twenty miles north of Quito.

Me feeding a llama at the pre-Incan Cochasqui pyramids.


  1. Hey, Alex. I was dropped as a follower when I tried to post earlier (guess I need to watch my language). I set up a new google account & hope this works. Anyhow, I love your pictures from the middle of the world. Straddling both hemispheres - very cool. And, you look great. Love you always.

  2. Hey bro!! This looks like quite the experience! Thanks for being so timely with the pictures and updates :). It's snowing here and is zero with the windchill - beyond jealous. Te amo!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a milestone. I hope you have a good celebration. We're digging out from 6 inches of snow (far better than New England, which is getting 12 - 18). Shanna is disappointed to only have a 2 hour delay. And you are likely savoring the mild weather in Quito. Lots of love, Mom.
